The OEDA Economic Development District will coordinate the CEDS projects with local, regional and state economic development agencies as appropriate. The Plan of action will implement the goals and objectives of the Strategy.
Economic Development
- Conduct regular meetings of the CEDS Committee to evaluate the progression of the five year plan and revise its development policies.
- The District Staff will actively participate in economic development activities and provide technical assistance when needed.
- Staff will attend Northwestern Oklahoma Alliance meetings to support businesses and local governments.
- The District Staff will identify economic development projects that may qualify for federal and state funding opportunities and proved grant writing and administrative services where needed.
- Provide technical assistance in the form of economic impact analysis, research, and best practices to local economic development organizations.
- Transportation consortium meetings through NORTPO will be attended as needed to improve multi-modal transportation in OEDA’s very rural and sparsely populated region.
Health Care Improvements
- Support local development efforts where possible with technical assistance services to develop and/or redevelop health care facilities, and to keep and attract doctors.
Improve Coordination
- The OEDA staff will provide input to and participate in Economic Development state planning process with the Oklahoma Association of Regional Councils (OARC), the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, and other state and Federal agencies.
- Provide local government entities with information concerning the current EDA priorities and promote the development of local projects under these priorities.
Improve Industrial Development
- Promote retention and expansion of existing businesses and assist communities to establish such programs.
- Promote and support recruiting of targeted industries to the area.
- District Staff will work with communities to identify and assist local entrepreneurs and attract new entrepreneurs.
- Staff will assist local communities by helping to promote currently available commercial buildings.
- Assist communities in identifying and applying for financial assistance programs.