The primary function of the OEDA EDD is to create and update the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the district. The CEDS provides the framework by which economic development projects in the district qualify for grant funding from the EDA. The CEDS is developed by the CEDS Committee which is comprised of the OEDA Board of Trustees, area business communities, citizens, and the district staff.

The OEDA CEDS is endorsed and adopted by all the counties, as well as communities in the district as planning guidelines for local economic development efforts. It also serves as a coordination tool for development programs and projects for federal, state and local entities.

The CEDS of the OEDA is a continuing district economic development planning process with broad-based community participation designed to help guide the economic growth of the region. The CEDS describes the district organization and management structure as well as information on the area’s economic background conditions and trends.

Presented are goals toward economic development efforts in the district such as job creation, resiliency of the economy, and improving quality of life. Selected data and statistics of the district are also included as supplemental information.

The report provides a description of current economic and demographic conditions of the area, an analysis of the district strengths and weaknesses, economic development goals and objectives which includes a plan of action that outlines the activities necessary to implement the goals and objectives of the Strategy.